“Try not to become man of success, but try rather to become man of value.”
-Albert Einstein

Homelessness continues to devastate communities across our Nation. In Sacramento, California, a group of determined individuals are transforming this seemingly intractable problem.
Homeless to Homeowner introduces Mohammad Mohanna, a successful Iranian American developer and philanthropist, who believes everyone deserves dignified and prosperous lives. Shocked that his homeless neighbors are routinely harassed and relocated, he established a facility where homeless individuals receive the resources they need to become productive citizens.
A Saddening Truth: The facts About Homelessness
- There were some 610,000 homeless people last year.
- Nearly 140,000 (25%) were children under 18. About 47,000 children don’t even have a homeless parent accompanying them.
- The state of California accounts for 22% of all homelessness in America.
California increased it’s homeless population last year by 4%. - Homelessness can be broken into two categories: sheltered and non sheltered. There has been only a 1% increase in sheltered homelessness.
WE CAN DO BETTER! Mohammad Mohanna is showing us how. Everyone can be a part of his growing movement.
Source: US Department of Housing and Urban Development. (2014). The 2013 Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR) to Congress. Retrieved from https://www.onecpd.info/resources/documents/ahar-2013-part1.pdf